Vulcan Boxing Club

The Vulcan learning centre is a project close to our hearts. Over the last 5 years the centre has received grants from bodies such as sports England and the governments youth development fund.

Cherry Burton Hall

Transcending time and trends with impeccable taste, the design of the newly refurbished, Cherry Burton Hall takes on tradition with creative flair, redefining the limits of conventional country style with bespoke Georgian whimsy.

Lion House

PJPS Construction refurbished the property as part of the Government’s Empty Homes Programme alongside chartered building surveyors, Delaney Marling Partnership and Ettridge Architecture to help regenerate the City of Hull and provide affordable housing.

Rank House

Rank House

The sound of a giant gong marked the completion of a unique renovation project at the birthplace of one of the Hull’s most famous sons, renowned film maker and industrialist, J. Arthur Rank.

New Builds


As a letting agent and property developer, Nichola Hunter enjoyed refurbishing properties and quickly progressed to a bigger project, building two, three bedroom properties in Keyingham, East Yorkshire.

Domestic Renovation 

Renovation of a derelict  Bungalow

In need of modernisation, this property has been entirely renovated, moving rooms around and using open plan areas throughout making this a beautiful family home.

Restoration Project

Stables Restoration at  Cherry Burton Hall